• Tryout Information

    2024-2025 First week of Sports for Fall- Fall sports start the week of 8/12/24


    2024/2025 Fall Sports Tryout/1st-week Information

    Boys Soccer

    Dates- 8/12-8/15/24

    Times- 7pm-9pm

    Cuts will be made on Wednesday, 8/14

    Where to meet- meet the coaching staff behind the field goals on the turf

    What to bring-Tennis shoes,Cleats,Shin guards, Water, Timberland Soccer Shirt

    Any other info you need, can be found via Twitter or contact Coach Jacobsen. 
    When- Monday-Friday 8/12-8/16 4pm-7pm and Saturday 8/17 8am-12noon
    Where- Turf Field 
    What you need- Monday you need helmet, practice jersey, and cleats
    Note- if you still need equipment, please arrive on Monday at 3:15pm at the coaches office
    Most communication is through Twitter and email, if they don't get my emails they need to reach out to me with a good email address to add to my list
    Boys Swim/Dive
    When- 8/12-8/16
    Time- 6am-8am
    Where- Progress Park Pool
    Saturday 8/17 will be 6:30am-8am at Quail Ridge Park
    Bring- Please arrive dressed in a competitive swimsuit. Please bring goggles, caps, a towel, and water bottle. 
    Note- Coach will be sending emails to athletes/parents before the season starts. 
    Cross Country
    When- Monday, 8/12/24- 6:30am-8am; Tuesday, 8/13/24- 2:30pm-4pm, Wednesday, 8/14/24- 7am-8:30am, Thursday, 8/15/24- 6:30am-7:45am, Friday, 8/16/24- 7am-9am
    When- Monday, 8/12/24- Friday, 8/16/24
    Time- 3pm-6pm
    Girls Volleyball
    Volleyball tryouts will be Monday, 8/12-Wednesday, 8/14, 3-6pm with Wednesday being final cuts and possibly extending slightly longer because of those. 
    Girls Golf
    August 12- 8-9:30 am, Wentzville Golf Range (1490 Hepperman Road
    August 13- 8-9:30 am, Wentzville Golf Range,
    August 14- 8-9:30 am , Wentzville Golf Range,
    August 15- 8-9:30 am , Wentzville Golf Range
    August 16- 8-9:30 am , Wentzville Golf Range
    In the event of bad weather we will meet from 8-9:30 am in room 259 at Timberland HS.
    Girls Tennis
    When- Tryouts-  Monday, 8/12 and Tuesday, 8/13 from 3pm-4:30pm

    Our goal is for all athletes to be on the field on the first day of each season for tryouts/practices. The process below is designed to do just that. One day missed from tryouts/practices, means the athlete is delayed in participating in games for that season. We strive to communicate about two months prior to each season to both parents & students via email about what needs to be done before the season begins.

    All students must complete the following requirements prior to the Final Clearance cutoff date for each season in order to tryout. If any item is not completed, this results in an athlete not eligible to receive the final clearance. The Final Clearance is required to participate on the first day of tryouts/practices for all seasons of sports. It's imperative to plan ahead to be ready for the first day of each sports season! 

    All athletes are required to complete the online athletic registration for each season & every sport played that season.

    All athletes are required to have a current ImPact test and they are required every two (2) years. Generally speaking, freshmen, juniors, anyone new to sports or Timberland, and transfers will need to take an ImPact test. 

    New physicals are required every two years per MSHSAA guidelines and must be done on this form. All physicals are valid for a period of two years from the date of issue. For example, the physical date is 3/15/2024. The physical will expire on 3/15/2026. Once you turn in your physical to the Activities office or upload a PDF copy of your MSHSAA Physical packet to your Family Athletic registration account, then you do not need to get another physical for a new season of sports during the same school year. Make sure to schedule physicals well in advance of the Final Clearance cut-off date for the season you are trying out for.

    Pay all outstanding fines by the first day of tryouts. Fines are available to view on the parent portal. Library fines can be paid in the library. All other fines can be paid in the main office by the Financial Secretary, Mrs. Weicht.

    Final Clearances will be emailed to the parent and student email addresses listed in the registration portal
    Once you complete the online Family Athletic registration, upload the PDF copy of your MSHSAA Physical packet (or bring the packet to the Activities or Main Office),  take the ImPact test, and pay all outstanding fines, the student needs to stop by the Activities Office to get their final clearance. The system does not automatically generate this.  Your Family Athletic Registration Account will say "Pending" once you register & won't change status or send an automatic email for final clearance. If the student does not have a final clearance to give the coach on the first day of tryouts/practices, they may not participate.

    MSHSAA requires that all student-athletes meet certain citizenship requirements in order to compete in school sports. One item that there has been some misunderstanding with is school attendance. 

    MSHSAA requires that a student must attend 100% of the school day in order to participate in a competition (game). That means if a game is on a Saturday, the student must attend 100% of the day the Friday before the game. If the game is on a regular school day, the student may not miss any part of that day. The student may only be excused by contacting the activities office with 24 hours notice. In order to receive an excused absence for sports, you must call or e-mail the Activities Office at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. You may call or email Erin Willhite, Assistant to the Activities Director, or Mr. Todd Hayes, Activities Director. Please note that simply placing a call or sending an e-mail, does not mean that your student-athlete has been excused from this absence of competition (game). Once you have spoken to one of us or we have replied to your email with the verification code that absence has been excused, then your student-athlete is excused for that competition (game). 
    Competitions (games) excuses are handled on an individual basis. An example of an excused absence is a physician appointment. We encourage all of our student-athletes to avoid making appointments on practice & game days to be in 100% attendance to be eligible to participate.
    Parents & students, please take note of the following School Board Policy #5625 regarding transportation to and from sports. If students are transported from an activity by someone other than their parent/guardian, one of the following forms will need to be completed & given to the coach ASAP. Parent Consent Release for transport forms

    Transportation will be provided by the District for selected school activities.  All students who participate in these activities will be expected to use the transportation provided by the District.  The following exceptions to the policy are as follows:

    1.         A student may travel home from an activity with his/her parent/guardian provided the parent/guardian receives permission from the principal/designee.

    2.         A student may ride home from an activity with someone other than a parent/guardian at the parent/guardian’s request and:

    1. The parent/guardian makes a written request to the principal or designee*.  The request must include the person’s name with whom the student is to ride.
    2. The principal or designee* gives his/her consent.
    3. The sponsor of the activity personally observes the designated driver at the time the student is to be released from his/her custody.

    3.         Sponsors of school activities and/or coaches shall reserve the right to deny the participant’s request to return home with anyone other than the team or club.

    If an emergency situation arises at an activity that would necessitate a student traveling in a private vehicle, the Superintendent, the principal, or the activities director or designee* shall make the decision.

    *In this instance, the *designee is either Mr. Hayes (toddhayes@wsdr4.org) or his Assistant, Mrs. Willhite (erinwillhite@wsdr4.org). The permissions to ride home with another person must be sent to either one of them in writing via email. The parent will then receive an email reply from one of them to confirm approval with the head coach copied on the email.



  • Activities Staff

    Todd Hayes
    Activities Director
    (636) 327-3988 x27238

    Kyle Bishop
    Athletic Trainer
    (636) 327-3988 x27296