• Broadcast Media, a new class this year at Timberland, has been busy in the Wentzville Community filming spotlights for local businesses in partnership with the Wentzville Main Street Association (WMSA).  The connection began with Scott Kiehl, a member of the WMSA, and has grown to THS students filming 5 businesses and a behind the scenes video about what they are doing.  So far, they have worked with Yo! Salsa, Old Town Smokehouse, Ellbee's, Not Jaded & Sproutfitters.
    Yo! Salsa and Old Town Smokehouse were very pleased with the results.  The others will be done at the end of the month. The segments are being run in our bi-weekly newscasts and the clients plan on using them on their website and on their social media platforms to promote shopping small and supporting small business. Broadcast Media is co-taught by Kellie Trussell and Ida Hoffmann.
    Click on the links below to see the videos.