• If you are making a change to your child's (or children's) Chautauqua schedule, you must fill out a Program Change Request which is located through your account. A two-week notice must be given for any change requests. Please note, that families are allowed only one change per month. If a two-week notice is NOT given, your account will be charged for the tuition that is owed.

    If your child is on a rotating schedule, it is the parent's responsibility to provide the Chautauqua Office with a schedule at least two weeks in advance.  Schedules should be emailed to Dawn Eusterbrock at: dawneusterbrock@wsdr4.org 

    If your family qualifies for Free/Reduced Lunches through our Child Nutrition Office, you will receive 20% off of your monthly tuition.  Applications can be found at the link below.

    Free Reduced Lunch Application


    24-25 Chautauqua Parent Handbook


    September Snack Menu

    September Newsletter





    Aftercare Reminder:

    If your child is absent from aftercare, please get in touch with our office by calling Wendy Reichle at 636-327-3800 ext. 20102 or via email at: wendyreichle@wsdr4.org

    Please remember that students enrolled in before or aftercare on a full-time basis are not assigned a bus and cannot ride per district policy.

    If you want to drop the program, you must complete a request through your account on Eleyo. 

    You can access your account by scanning the QR code below and saving it to any device.