School Safety & Security

  • The Wentzville School District prioritizes the safety and security of our students, staff, and schools. 

    Report a Safety Concern

    Students, parents, faculty, staff, and community members are encouraged to report school safety concerns during or after school hours using the following methods: 

    • Start by contacting the building administration in person, by phone, or by email.
    • If you wish to remain anonymous, contact Courage2Report.
    • If you believe there to be an imminent danger, contact 911 (as the above methods are not monitored 24/7).  

    The District will assess and follow up on all information received and will maintain the confidentiality of information sources. 

    Please use these tip lines responsibly. 


    Common Language Response Protocol

    During emergencies, our school communities will use the standardized communication listed below. This predetermined shared language is essential for minimizing confusion and ensuring that everyone has a clear understanding of the situation.

  • Lockdown

  • Community Alert Safety Mode

  • Alert Safety Mode

  • Evacuate

  • Reunification

  • Severe Weather Alert

  • Medical Alert Safety Mode

  • Accidental Activation of SafeDefend