Homeless Information

  • Are you homeless and staying in transitional or emergency shelters, campgrounds, or motels; sharing housing with other families due to a loss of housing or an inability to afford housing; abandoned in a hospital, staying in substandard housing, or living in places not ordinarily used for sleeping; or a student who has run away or have been thrown out of his/her home?

    Coordinated Entry creates an easy-to-use and efficient way for people experiencing housing insecurity to access services. All housing services are accessed through a single phone number, United Way's 2-1-1 helpline, which is connected to a centralized case management team. To contact a Coordinated Entry case manager regarding housing assistance, simply dial 2-1-1 on your phone.

    A homeless student lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This includes students who are staying in transitional or emergency shelters, campgrounds, or motels; sharing housing with other families due to a loss of housing or an inability to afford housing; abandoned in a hospital, staying in substandard housing, or living in places not ordinarily used for sleeping; and students who have run away or have been thrown out of his/her home.

    Homeless students are automatically eligible to participate in the school meals program, instructional services through Title I, and other district services intended to support academic success, such as tutoring and transportation to the school of best interest.