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    Program goals are tied to Pearce Hall's mission and vision and include increasing pre-vocational work skills, increasing positive sensory experiences, increasing social and emotional management, enhancing the quality of life and a sense of purpose, and increasing joyful moments for students throughout the school day. 


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  • Sponsors and Partners

    The Horticulture Therapy Group at Pearce Hall would not be successful without the generous donations from the following organizations- 

  • Horticultural Therapy 

    The purpose of the horticultural therapy program at Pearce Hall, led by Amy Nau, is to help students be more successful in their personal and academic lives. The program accomplishes this by designing therapy goals and objectives to aid in positive behavior, social and emotional development, and by focusing the program to achieve personal, special education, and academic goals.  Using horticultural therapy as a complementary therapy to aid student behavior and academic achievement, the therapist works alongside Pearce Hall teachers, support staff, and educational support counselors to help students make positive progress in their goals.
