• Drop Off


    We all know students are super excited to start their day at Prairie View, and can't wait to see their classmates. Drop off procedures will begin at 8:45 a.m. Students should not be dropped off prior to 8:45 a.m. because Faculty and Staff are not on duty to supervise until that time. Thank you for understanding and following our procedures. 

    Car drop-off:

    • Cars must pull along the curb and come to a complete stop.
    • Students may then exit their cars and use the sidewalk to enter the building.
    • We do ask that students be aware of moving cars around them. We ask that students stand still on the sidewalk when cars are moving. Once cars have pulled away or come to a stop, our students may continue into the building. 
    • There is a crosswalk at the front of the building. Please do not park or stop at the crosswalk. A staff member will supervise the crosswalk, utilizing a stop sign, to control the flow of traffic.
    • Please do not park in the drop off lane. If you need to park, please use the available parking spots.
    • Students may not be dropped off in the parking lot. You may park in the parking lot and walk your child across the crosswalk into the building if you desire. Please remember, students may not walk to or from the parking lot without an adult.

    Car Pick-up:

    • Please pull all the way to the end of the sidewalk, along the curb. 
    • Display your parent pick up tag in your window. 
    • When the cars come to a stop, students will then be escorted to the vehicles from the gymnasium. 
    • Please remember not to park in the crosswalk lane. 

    Bus Drop-off and Pick-up:

    The back parking lot is for buses and day care vans only. No student pick-up is allowed in the back lot. 

    • The buses will pull into the back parking lot before 8:45 am. All buses will hold students on the buses until the PVE staff comes outside at 8:45 am.
    • All students who are in grades K, 1, and 2 or having breakfast, will enter the building near the cafeteria doors. Students from grades 3, 4, and 5 will enter the building via the recess doors in the C Hall.
    • Students are not permitted to walk while the buses are in motion. When the buses stop moving, the students may continue on their way.
    • At pick up, the buses will park in the back parking lot before 3:50. At 3:45, dismissal will begin with grades K, 1, 2 Bus Riders and Car Riders. Next, grades 3, 4, and 5 will be dismissed.
    • Teachers will walk their students to their correct bus.
Car Lanes